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Re-Defining Marriage Happened a Long Time Ago

By {resource_author}, 2015/07/17

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Whenever the church ignores what Scripture says, it is a re-definition. As we look through the years, especially within the last 100 years or so, the church has ignored Scripture and followed after the world on multiple issues. Instead of standing firmly on the Word of God, and proclaiming a biblical view about the issues of our day, we have redefined many things according to the preferences of an ungodly culture. 

The legalization of sodomite “marriage” is not a surprise. When you look at all the re-definitions the church has endorsed (love, marriage, manhood and womanhood, etc.), it becomes clear that the legalization of sodomy is just one step in a one long trail of re-definitions the church has embraced. It is just a natural progression of the other re-definitions that the church has accepted. We have no right to be upset at this re-definition in its modern form.

I have a compiled a list of seven things that the church has re-defined that led up to the re-definition of marriage. I have listed them here below in summary form. For the whole 20 minute message click here to listen: Re-Defining Marriage Happened A Long Time Ago.

  1. The church re-defined love as a sexual preference, according to Hollywood.
  2. The church re-defined marriage as romance, according to a culture of divorce.
  3. The church re-defined manhood and womanhood according to feminism.
  4. The church re-defined morality according to relativism.
  5. The church re-defined worship according to humanism.
  6. The church re-defined salvation according to revivalism.
  7. The church re-defined freedom according to tolerance.

As the church moves forward, I pray that we will stand firmly on the Word of God, rather than compromising with the world and re-defining issues according to the world’s standard rather than God’s. Know what Scripture says, and stand on it.

Scott Brown

Scott T. Brown is the president of Church and Family Life and pastor at Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Scott graduated from California State University in Fullerton with a degree in History and received a Master of Divinity degree from Talbot School of Theology. He gives most of his time to local pastoral ministry, expository preaching, conferences on church and family reformation. Scott helps people think through the two greatest institutions God has provided — the church and the family.