One of my hopes for 2015 is that pastors in a region who embrace the sufficiency of Scripture will begin to know each other better and in turn work together to advance the kingdom of heaven in their communities.
To that end, the NCFIC would like to invite you to a luncheon for prayer, mutual encouragement, fellowship, and exhortation to be held on Friday September 11, 2015 in Kerrville, TX.
– Date/time: Friday September 11, 2015 from 12:00pm-2:00pm
– Location: FORGE Ministries Conference Love One Another, Inn of the Hills Resort and Conference Center Kerrville, TX
– Speakers: Though this event is not primarily about teaching, exhortations will be given by Scott Brown, Steve Hopkins and others
– Cost: $10.00 (This also gets you and your family free admission to the FORGE conference!)
Please consider joining us.
If you are interested but the distance is simply too far for you, contact our Regional Facilitator, Steve Hopkins and he may be able to arrange a meeting closer to you.
If you are planning to come, please register at www.forgeministries.org , or if you have any difficulty with registration there, you can simply email Steve Hopkins, [email protected]. Though there is no monetary cost to you for this event, we need good information about who will be participating so we have enough food for everyone. Any of the other officers of your church are also very welcome to attend, so please feel free to invite them, but if that is the case, please make sure they also register.
May the Lord bless you in His labors, and I hope to see you there.
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